Sunita Shah

Sunita has worked in the NHS for over 20 years. Sunita has had her own independent practice since 2005, Together Let’s Communicate Limited. She has always had a passion for travel, culture, and languages. Sunita speaks Gujarati, and Hindi. Sunita worked in Brent North West London for 16 years and developed her specialist interest in Bilingualism, and working with pre-school children. Sunita is one of the advisors for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy in Bilingualism. Sunita relocated to Macclesfield in 2019, and has two independent practices in Cheshire and Stanmore in North West London, which is with Diplaey Patel Happy Chatters. Sunita has worked with children aged 12 months to 16 years.
Sunita has supported and trained NHS departments and education settling working nationally with children and families from diverse communities. She has also supported the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Private Practice, The British Stammering Association, Great Ormond Street, Michael Palin Centres, I Can and the Communication Trust developing advice and resources to support bilingual children.
Sunita has also supported teaching at Universities to support student in bilingual language development, assessment and intervention for bilingual children with speech, language and communication difficulties.
Sunita is an author and has published over 20 titles of a series of books, yoga and mindfulness cards called, “The Jai Jais”. Her books has brought a modern and vibrant approach to teaching children of all diversities form birth and beyond about Hindu festivals, gods and goddesses. Her books have sold internationally and been adopted by many schools to teach Hinduism.
Sunita is passionate a great appreciation for culture, language and food, and has set up a global community of 80km members in 55 countries sharing food and culture.
Sunita is so enthusiastic about children’s communication development and the opportunities this can unlock.
Dipaley Patel

Dipaley runs a Speech and Language clinic in Northwest London. Working with children within the early years settings and specialise in working with children on the Autism Spectrum
She is very passionate in what she does and believes no parent or child should be left alone without help or guidance.
Dipaley also coaches and empowers parents using her skills as a licensed early years interventionist.
She believes that every child is a gift and that no child should be left alone her goal is to help children develop and grow to enable them to reach their full potential. Her practice is using everyday routine, parent and child interaction models and visuals to help develop context-based language that can help parents to help their children’s language development.
Working with her autistic daughter has inspired Dipaley to help other parents and children in similar circumstances. Using her skills as a professional and a mother she is able to empower parents/caregivers on the best way they can help their children.
Being a parent has taught her so much but mostly the understanding that as parents it is our responsibility to ensure that our children develop the necessary life skills to become young confident people and in doing so a big part of this is being able to recognise when ‘you’ as a parent need help to ensure all their needs are fully met
Nandita Shah

Nandita Shah – Early Childhood Educator
Armed with a degree in Psychology and a special interest in child development, Nandita has been delivering research based sensory development programmes for babies, toddlers and pre-school children since 2016.
Her passion has always been about laying the best possible foundations for children to thrive and this has always been through play & routine.
She firmly believes there’s no better time for children to communicate than when they are playing and having fun.
In 2023 Nandita successfully completed the Learning Language & Loving It programme from the Hansen Centre and can’t wait to share strategies with parents and early educators to helping children with their development.